This Respondus page contains a list of resources for LockDown Browser with MonitorĬan students take the exam using an iPad?.You need to configure the exam to allow for live proctoring.How do I use Respondus Monitor to give online exams to students both on and off campus simultaneously? We suggest using the setting " Let Students See The Correct Answers" and show/hide dates of availability.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students will not be able to view the quiz results if " Only Once After Each Attempt" is checked and if you are requiring Respondus LockDown Browser to view feedback and results.You can "Require LockDown Browser to view feedback and results".There are several options available in the LockDown Browser settings, depending on how you want students to receive feedback. How do students view their feedback after submitting a online exam using Respondus LockDown Browser? Doing this will give students ample opportunity in accessing it again should any technical issues arise. In the Quiz settings ensure the Quiz type is " Practice Quiz", in Options select " Allow Multiple Attempts".Give your students a practice quiz using Lock Down Browser. How can prepare my students for a quiz using Respondus LockDown Browser? Personal machine: You MUST download from within Canvas (Onetime download and install) before you take the exam.
University machine (Windows only): You MUST download from the Software Center.Where do I download Respondus LockDown Browser? Pre-recorded webinar LockDown Browser FAQ Register for a Live Respondus Webinar Respondus Instructor Resources Best practices and tips for success with both applications.